29 Nov Webinar Poultry welfare and management
Specialist in animal welfare for farm animals, Phodé supports research and accompanies international poultry welfare scientists during the world’s poultry congress webinar.
On Tuesday 30 th November, our Scientific Manager Animal Care Jean-François Gabarrou will co-preside the webinar Poultry welfare and management with Dr Virginie MICHEL from anses.
The objective of this webinar is to provide concrete answers to the daily problems of poultry farms through a reflection on :
– An adaptability index for organically reared poultry genotypes
– Disturbance of resting behaviour of broilers under different environmental conditions
– Differences in productivity, welfare and carcass quality for three slow growing broiler genotypes under commercial conditions
– Understanding beak blunting and its potential to be used as an alternative to current beak treatment methods
– Exploration and neophobia in domestic fowl
– Quantification of the benefits of low protein diets on foot pad dermatitis incidence and severity in broiler chickens
Our scientific manager will be the professional referent throughout this webinar, bringing his expertise and knowledge of the field. Phode is sure that sharing knowledge between scientists and professionals is a richness that brings new perspectives to overcome animal production issues.
Will also be present during this webinar Alice Mancinelli, CARTONI MANCINELLI, Sara FORSLIND, Jette Soeholm PETERSEN, Sarah STRUTHERS, Inga TIENMANN et Ilaria MINUSSI