20 Apr Scientific partnership
Since 2008, we have been working on the impact of olfactory solutions on the brain and their consequences on behavior with David Val-Laillet, research director at the NuMeCan Institute (St Gilles, France).
Our common collaboration has allowed us to create and develop innovative techniques of behavioral observation and brain imaging.
Our first collaborative work led to the discovery of active aromatic nuclei that, once ingested, act through the retronasal route. The aromatic molecules follow a pathway passing behind the palate to reach the olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity.
The collaboration continued as part of a research project leading to the development by INRAE of a porcine psychosocial stress model (Menneson et al, 2019) as part of a CIFRE thesis between 2017 and 2020, a model that we were able to exploit to design new formulations and study their effects to manage emotions (Menneson et al, 2020).